Are Free Psychic Email Readings As Good As The Real Thing?
Are Free Psychic Email Readings Any Good?
If you’re reading this, then you’re most likely a human being. And like all human beings, you probably would like to know about your life, and perhaps even what’s coming up in your future. A lot of people turn to a psychic in order to receive information about themselves, their issues, their desires, their decisions and their futures.
Psychics are everywhere. The advent of the internet has only encouraged people to put their skills up online. And that’s just the people that are happy to help out with psychic abilities! There are even more people throughout the world who have some form of ability, but only provide it to their friends and family, as they are too afraid of being “cast away” by society.
But let’s get back to those who offer it as a service. Can free psychic email readings provide the same sorts of information that a real meeting with a psychic can?
Email readings are great for a number of reasons.
Firstly, email readings are concise and to the point. There’s no preamble or other discussion that might go on if you’re meeting face to face, or getting a reading over the phone. Most of the time, you’re going to be asking a very specific question and most of the time you’ll get a very specific answer back.
Secondly, you have the opportunity to really clarify your thoughts and ask about the stuff you want answer to in a very simple and clear way. Many free psychic email readings only offer the chance to ask a single question. So you’d better make sure that the question is the most burning one you’ve got! Of course, the advantage to this is that you get an opportunity to ask a specific question, and get a specific response. Great for those people whose minds go blank during a question!
Thirdly, email readings can often put you in touch with people who might otherwise not be able to offer other services, for a number of reasons. They might simply not be able to do phone or face to face services. Perhaps you’re trying to get a reading from someone else on the other side of the world, and your timezones are so different you’d have to wake up at some ridiculous hour in the morning for you to be able to talk to them (not fun).
Sometimes email readings work better with the psychic’s schedule. There might not be the opportunity to speak to them in person due to the psychic being booked up. However they will sometimes let the email questions slip through into the gaps, which means you’ll get a faster response and you’re more likely to be able to get readings for free.
Some of you may be wondering if free psychic email readings are as accurate as ones done face to face or over the phone. After all, doesn’t the psychic need to feel your energy? Well, you see that’s the best part. Because people are made of energy, a psychic is actually reading your energy pattern, and that’s a Universal constant. You could be on opposite sides of the planet and you could still get a reading done. Psychics are simply tuning into details that are being broadcast about you by your spirit guides and by the Universe itself.
A psychic is simply a gifted person who can ask the right questions and get a response back from that. If a psychic is asking questions on your behalf you can bet your life on the fact that your spirit guides will be answering those questions for you, in the knowledge that that information will be passed along to you.
Sometimes a psychic will ask for a photograph of yourself, a few details about your life, where you live and so forth in order to make your energy pattern more vivid in their mind. Whether or not they do this will depend on the psychic and what method they like to use to get in touch with the psychic world. So don’t be alarmed if all the psychic needs is your name. They know how to read your energy and give you a reading via email.
One thing to watch out for with free psychic email readings is that a lot of the ones online will have been generated by a computer. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is something to watch out for. A lot of the time, you will need to pay something to get a reading. Despite having their minds constantly in another world, psychics have got bills to pay so many of have set up electronic readings. These will not be nearly as accurate as a real reading.
You probably won’t have the ability to ask questions, but you will get a response based on information that you enter into the form. If you’ve ever signed up for a numerology profile you’ll know how these sorts of things can be electronically generated depending on information you’ve put into the boxes. Rather incredibly a lot of these sorts of readings can actually be fairly accurate. However it’s important that you don’t rely on them for life changing decisions or other important details because how can a machine ever read your energy pattern? Our technology isn’t there yet, and probably won’t be for a while yet.
So go ahead and get your free psychic email readings. If you’re able to find someone that offers this service (they are out there) then be as grateful as possible for any answer that you receive, even if it’s not what you wanted to hear (remember you have free will and can reject anything you want). Psychics don’t need to have you in the room or hear your voice to contact your spirit guides and energy patterns, although they will sometimes require a photograph or some other life detail so they can tune in quicker.
If you ask a specific question (try not to ramble on with your details too much) you will get a specific answer. The free psychic email readings method is a great way to get in touch with psychics who don’t do phone or face to face readings, or are simply too busy. Make the most of the experience!
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