When you go for a free physic reading online, you probably want answers to some specific questions. After all, that’s why you’re looking for a free physic reading online in the first place! There are several questions however that you should consider avoiding. They often go right against what you might think you should ask a physic, but with a little forethought you can get much clearer answers from your free physic reading online when you do.
The first questions you need to avoid are what are known as “closed questions”. You probably know what these are from English lessons. Closed questions don’t invite any further discussion, they shut things down and turn answers into very black and white ones. Most commonly they are questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Some examples of these might include:
Am I going to get married this year?
Is my partner faithful?
Will I be able to pay my rent this month?
We understand these are very tempting questions to ask a psychic. But for the most part we discourage you from asking them in such a specific way. The problem is that they are likely to raise more questions than they answer. What if the physic answers “yes” to “am I going to marry this year?” What does that mean for you, really? What time will that wedding happen, will I be happy, I don’t have a partner! And so on and so on! We’ve seen this sort of thing happen before. It is far better to ask an open questions that will invite a little more discussion and clarity around your situation.
Another questions to avoid asking in a free physic reading online are questions that include the word “should”. Should you do this, or should you do that. Should you move cities, should you change jobs, should you go back to school, should you settle down, should you get married and so on.
This is a really common type of question, and psychics get asked this a lot. When we make decisions, often times a little glimmer of something different is making itself known. Perhaps you’ve been unsatisfied in your job for a while now, and that little inner voice is only now starting to make itself feel known. The louder it gets the harder it is to ignore. And yet the idea of shifting jobs or careers feels odd and risky. It doesn’t feel like it’s something you should do, and often times there’s no one to follow.
When you ask a should question, you’re basically trying to get the “go-ahead” from someone. You already know what’s going on inside of you. You already know that you’re having these feelings and this experience. Chances are that you already know the real answer to your question, you’re just skating around it.
If you get the chance to talk to a physic online, try to ask something more empowering. For example if you’re not enjoying your current line of work, you might want to ask why that is. Perhaps it’s a colleague or one of your responsibilities that’s getting in the way of you having an enjoyable working life.
Sometimes we misinterpret feelings and the urge to quit a job might actually be something different. We’ve heard stories of people who have started off in a career really enjoying it. Over time, things creep in and they start losing interest. Now that original excitement is still there. There’s just other stuff in the way that’s manifesting as an uncomfortable feeling. Imagine asking a psychic should you quit your job or not. Now imagine asking them why you feel so unsatisfied with your current work. You will get two different answers, and one of them will be more empowering.
Some of the other popular questions to ask a psychic are predictions. People love to know when stuff is going to happen. If you want a prediction, feel free to ask for it, but don’t put too much stock in the answer. The problem with predictions is the crazy, entangled nature of the Universe and the difficulty in predicting what’s going to happen tomorrow, let alone in a years time or more. Things happen which even the spirit world can’t predict or control. It’s one of the reasons why being a human being with free will is such an awesome experience.
The biggest issue with asking for predictions is that often it removes your sense of drive and purpose. After all if a psychic told you that you were going to be meeting that “special someone” at the end of August, you might end all of your social activities with the expectation someone’s going to be dropped on your lap. This is the case for many different areas of life. We once heard a story of a women who was told by a psychic that she would win the lotto and become a millionaire within a few months. So of course, she quit her job and blew through all of her savings within a few months. She didn’t even buy lotto tickets.
Now the quality of the prediction here might have been a little dodgy, but do you see the problem? While it can be nice to have some clarity about things, do you want that at the expense of not fighting for your future and for your life? It’s far better to let the psychic tell you of any predictions off their own bat, rather than asking them directly.
When you get a free physic reading online, it’s important that you try to phrase your questions to get the best answers. Avoid simple closed questions, such as those that can be answered with a simple yes or no. They don’t do anything for anyone and will probably just send your mind spinning. Stop asking should questions. They are very needy questions and the truth is that you already know the answers. Instead of asking should, ask more empowering questions about the real reasons behind something. Finally, don’t ask for a prediction. If the psychic is feeling something, they will tell you. Sometime’s it’s better to let things stay in the dark.
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