The Tarot deck is a popular way of getting information about a situation, your future, your love prospects and general advice about your life. Free online love Tarot readings are great ways to get information about your love life and the way things are going for you. Virtually any question can be asked of the Tarot deck, although in the article we’ll look at a few of the popular questions that typically get asked, and how the Tarot can help.
But first a few details about the Tarot deck. The Tarot has been around for hundreds of years in various forms and today there are countless variations. Most of these variations however are simply changes in design and most decks have the same basic cards with the same basic meanings.
The deck that someone uses when doing free online love Tarot readings is a personal choice and will depend on their intuition and connection with the cards. If you’ve ever tried the Tarot yourself, you’ll know how important a positive connection with the cards is. Most psychics or Tarot readers will have a deck that they just love to work with. Their energy is all over the cards meaning that the answers they get will be more accurate than with a “cold” deck.
Each of the cards does have a specific meaning associated with it, although the meanings do change depending on how the cards are drawn and how the cards are spread out on the table. For love related questions, spreads will typically change depending on the types of questions being asked. Sometimes a Tarot reader will use a general style of spread, or something more personal that they have developed over time.
The questions being asked will influence the spread that’s done. You can typically ask two types of questions when using the Tarot. Which one you ask will depend on the answers you’re looking for. Question based readings are generally specific. So for example the types of questions you might ask include details of if you have a future together with your partner, why he’s acting all strange, how you can ask him out, is he interested in you and so on.
These are the sorts of questions you might want to asking a Tarot reader. The questions you ask will determine the spread, will determine which cards are pulled and how they will be ultimately be understood. Your question provides the lens.
[wp_ad_camp_2]There are a few pointers you should bear in mind when getting question based readings. Firstly, the Tarot is pretty bad at answering yes or no questions. Keep things open and remember to think of the answers as just guides, not concrete paths. Think about how detailed you want the answer to be. You can choose levels of detail with a question. As a rule of thumb, if you can only get one answer out from a question, it’s too detailed. Zoom out just a little.
You should also always relate the questions back to yourself. The example questions above are probably the sorts of things you want answered. That’s all fine, but the problem with them is that you can’t relate them back to yourself. They are all about the other person. As a result the answers aren’t going to be empowering. You simply can’t change other people. Focus on changing yourself and you will change the situation. Instead of asking about why he doesn’t want intimacy, ask about how you might be contributing to the problem. By all means, tell the reader your concerns. But bring it back to yourself and you will be more empowered and have more options.
You should also try and be positive in your questions. It’s sometimes very tempting to come into a reading feeling all weary and let down. For example you might really want to get married sometime and he just isn’t interested. If this feeling has gone on for a while, it can be difficult to not feel a bit let down. Instead, ask how you could make it happen in the future. The cards will tell you the answers. And if things really are heading in the wrong direction for you and things just aren’t going to work out, the cards will tell you that too. Just try to set the ship off in a good direction first, ok?
The great thing about question based Tarot readings is they’re really good at getting really specific information about some aspect of your relationship. If you don’t really know where thing are at, you might like to do an open reading.
Open readings are a great way of learning about a “general” area of your life. Free online love Tarot readings will offer this service, although they do take a little longer and the answers are often a little fuzzier. This is because the topic isn’t quite as clearly defined. You can ask all sorts of things here, although it’s important to keep the question as open as you possibly can. As soon as you start asking questions about the specific details of something, you’re into question reading territory which would benefit from a bit more thought.
Topics of love open readings might include where you’re at with the prospect of marriage, the general direction of a relationship, if you’re having difficultly meeting someone, that sort of thing. It’s like asking for a bit of direction in your life when you don’t even know what you want to know.
Open questions do take a bit longer than specific questions, which is just part of their nature. Their interpretation can be a little harder as well.
The other thing we want to point out is that free online love Tarot readings are often just be electronically generated. There are many website offering you a reading which is just a bunch of random computers creating your reading. While these services are convenient, they aren’t accurate at all. You need a real human, doing a real shuffle, doing a real spread and a real interpretation for you to get the best results. There are people online that do free Tarot readings, so there’s no need to rely on these impersonal electronic websites.
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