Wouldn’t It be nice if we could find the perfect mate using Psychic readings for dream relaionships? All of us have been to the cross roads in finding the right mate. Sometimes finding the right life partner leads us down a trail of abusive partners and inadequate harmonization. This is dangerous because of a well documented phenomena known as imprinting.
If you find yourself in one of these types of relationships, and it continues throughout your dating career, than you suffer from relationship imprinting. You subsequently leave a relationship just to find yourself 6 months later in the same exact situation. Your partner seems perfect, but after around 6 months old recognizable traits start to appear, and boom your back to square one.
The sub-conscious and conscious mind develop a partnership in your attraction levels. So even a future negative attribute will remain attractive to you. One reason negative attributes are attractive is because they make us feel second to the one we are with. Who would want that? Let’s use a purse as an example. If I show you 2 purses and tell you one costs 10k and the other costs 100 dollars, your decision making process on the purses becomes more difficult.
The prettier purse is 100 dollars and the other purse while not ugly, is a well known name brand purse, but not really your style. The name brand purse is out of your spending limit, but I am offering you your choice of purses for free. You choose the name brand purse, even though you are not that attracted to it, you suddenly see it’s beauty, and the cheaper, prettier purse no longer looks that good. This is an object that you are choosing based on perceived value, something you see that will add value to you in the public persona, and it just makes you feel good.
The partner works in a similar way. They might treat you great at first, and than start to diminish your value, which in turn makes them more valuable than you. Now desperation starts to kick in and sexual attraction peaks. This occurs because you are in an unhealthy relationship. Your relationship “lust” is being turned into a drug because you have now accepted the position of submissive and lower value attributes. This will create an addictive process for future relationships.
How Do I Fix My Unhealthy Attractions
The first thing you must do is realize your pattern based partner selection problems. Like any addiction, we must know that there is something we need to fix within our basic wiring. If it is subconscious and consciously motivated, we have allot of work to do. This is where the appropriate psychic reader fits in. Psychics are extremely intuitive, and not always exactly “psychic” in the ways that you and I might think of one. They can help you focus on your conscious efforts and slowly but surely tap into your unconscious “suggestions” and change how you are attracted to the right partner, a change in a positive direction and a life long direction. The longer you wait the worse the cavity will become, an infection that can fester to the point of no return.
Psychic Advice Will Help Create Dream Relationships
Accept the psychic’s direction and change your life for the better, don’t let basic jealousy control your life and health. Choose this link for the appropriate Psychic Medium that specializes in dream relationships and lets get started, so your next choice will be the last one and more importantly the right one.