There are plenty of places where you can get a free psychic reading online. Many of them however require pesky credit cards in order to sign up and make use of their services. Getting a free psychic reading online no credit card can be a pain! When you do eventually find a service that can give you what you’re looking for, the quality is usually terrible and things aren’t as they seem.
The reason websites use credit cards as part of the sign up process is usually two fold. Credit cards offer a superb way of verifying the identity of the person wanting an account. While the verification of identity isn’t quite as important for a psychic website, it can be for others.
The other reason (and probably more common) is that when a site knows your credit card number it’s easier for you just to click that tempting “buy” button. When you link your card to an iTunes account (for example) it becomes very very easy to find yourself purchasing music that you would perhaps otherwise think twice about. When it’s made easier, it becomes harder for you to say no. Great for the business, not so great for your bank account and credit rating!
What you really want is a service that you can sign up for that’s of a high quality, is professional and most important is genuinely free. And with no credit cards required for a membership.
One such place which we highly recommend is a place online called Oranum. This is a website that’s been around for a few years now and has quickly become one of the leading places online for people to get psychic readings for free. There are many great features to Oranum, but yes, the best is that you can join today for free. In fact you don’t even need an account to start chatting to some of the psychics although a free account is recommended.
[wp_ad_camp_2]In our testing, signups took about a minute to complete. You need to fill in the usual stuff about your name and the password you want, plus your email address and a few extra details. They also want your gender and a photo if you want to provide it. This is only to provide you with a greater service and can help the psychics recognize you. It also helps to personalize the experience on the website, as it’s kind of been set up like a spiritual version of Facebook.
Getting one of these free accounts means that you now have access to the entirely of the site. There is no need to pay for anything to Oranum, you can even get your readings done in the free chat rooms or with one of the demos that take place every half an hour. Yes, you don’t need a credit card to use the site.
But even if you did want a private reading with one of the psychics, you don’t need a credit card to purchase credits. Other payment options such as PayPal, Click2Pay and Ukash are also options. Because they’re an online company and deal with the internet Oranum don’t take cash or checks.
Once you have your free account set up you can begin to hang out in some of the psychic chat rooms. This is where you get some of the free psychic reading online no credit card. Each of the psychics is actually connected via a video webcam so you can both watch and listen to the psychic. While as a free user you only have typing access, you can ask questions and engage with the psychic. It’s actually more fun when there are many more people in the chat room than just you. When this is the case the psychic is often prepared to talk to the group about psychic ability and their beliefs about the world. Some of these discussions can be very interesting.
While you will be encouraged to get a private reading, there is no need to at Oranum. You can hang out around the site and talk to the psychics without spending a single cent.
When you’re hanging out in the chat rooms you can ask a few different questions. Here are some of the questions we’ve found to be very good at prompting discussion.
Ask about the psychic, where they’re from and how long they’ve been a psychic for. This is actually quite a good little way to getting the psychic on your side as people (even psychics!) enjoy talking about themselves. It’s also a good way to get an initial impression of a psychic. In our testing we found a couple that pointed us off to their biography pages without answering our questions. We felt that was a bit rude and while sure, the information was there what we were really looking for is a connection. Since we didn’t get a connection, we didn’t go any further.
You can also ask about the types of things they can do. Many psychic use different props and objects to help with their readings. The Tarot is a very popular card deck that many psychics use. It would seem however that there are as many variations of Tarot as there are variations of ice cream! If the psychic is doing Tarot you can ask about the type they are using, their technique and so forth. You might learn a thing or two.
The other thing you will want to ask when getting a free psychic reading online no credit card is about yourself and your future. If you’ve established a good rapport with the psychic you might be able to ask a question or two in the free chat. If not, the psychic will often give you some good pointers that can set you on your way. Definitely check out the demo readings which occur every half an hour. Times are listed on the website.
You can definitely get a free psychic reading online no credit card. Have a look at the site we mentioned and have fun in the psychic chat rooms. There’s no reason to pay for expensive psychics or even need a credit card to get talking today.
By Emma Roberts on
Can i have a psychic readinf
By Brad on
You can get a free reading by going to the top of the page and opening up the free psychic chat portal