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Bad Practices with Totally Free Psychic Readings


Seeing a psychic is a great way of learning some information about your future and your life. A psychic medium is a way of connecting with passed loved ones. Unfortunately a lot of people have bad experiences with a psychic, or sometimes the psychic has a bad experience with a client! There are a few bad practices when you’re getting totally free psychic readings. If you want to ensure that you have the best experience possible, take these things into account at your next reading.

1. Be Emotionally Stable Typically this is an issue for people seeking to contact loved ones who have passed on. Some psychics have reported clients who spend the entire session in tears. Trust us when we say that’s not great for either yourself or the psychic! The psychic actually needs to be relatively calm and centered in order to maintain a clear connection to the spirit world. It can be very distracting to have a client on the couch crying away. You don’t have to be emotionally neutral. Contacting the spirit world is a bit of an occasion, and you’re likely to feel some emotion. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t talk about your passed loved ones without choking up, you’re not ready for a reading. Time will heal. This also goes for any life changing event that you’re talking to the psychic about. If it’s too emotional for you to even think about discussing it might be worth waiting a bit longer for your totally free psychic readings. You may find that meditating before your session is the best way to calm and center yourself.

[wp_ad_camp_5]2. Don’t Quiz the Psychic By all means, be skeptical. But if you start trying to stump the psychic, you’ll only be setting yourself up for a not so pleasant experience. Questions such as “how many fingers am I holding up” and ” what am I thinking about” are a pointless waste of time. You’ve got to remember that the psychic is only relaying information that the Universe is providing them. If you ask how many fingers am I holding up, you’re effectively asking the Universe, the great all knowing and loving Universe to engage in your little game. Yes, it could answer you! It knows that information! But do you think that it’s going to? If you really want confirmation that the information you’re getting is accurate, simply get on with your reading. If you’re asking the right questions you will get answers back that will confirm everything for you.

3. Try Not To Lead The Psychic One of the biggest problems with some psychics is a natural habit of getting the client to answer questions for them. At best, this is just a psychic hoping to confirm stuff for them. At worst, this is someone “fishing” for information or doing something called “cold reading”. This is a technique of telling someone stuff about their life, when in reality the client is filling in all the blanks. For example if a psychic asks “who in your family smoked” you might reply “my father did”. Wouldn’t it be that much better if the psychic could tell you your father smoked without you needing to fill in the blanks? If a psychic does ask you something like that, you can confirm that someone did smoke, but that it’s important you get confirmation that it is who the psychic thinks it is.

4. It’s Not A Conversation A psychic has to hold onto a very fine thread of information that’s coming into their awareness. A client constantly breaking that connection will be frustrating for the both of you. It’s tempting to think of these sessions as a bit of therapy, or something like that. But it isn’t. Try to listen as much as you can, and only speak when you absolutely need to. This will also have the side effect of helping eliminate that cold reading issue mentioned above. It is possible to go too far with this! Sometimes a psychic really does need clarity around something, and if you just nod or shake your head enigmatically then that’s not helpful either! It’s especially important to let the psychic know if they’re giving you information that makes no sense to you. Even if it’s awkward, and they appear to have confidence in their information, if it’s nothing to do with you let them know! The psychic will appreciate your feedback.

5. Don’t Force The Information You want to get something out of your psychic reading so you probably go in with a conception of what you want answered. Unfortunately we as humans are brilliantly at forcing information where it doesn’t fit. We see patterns and force meaning onto the world. Therefore it can be tempting to try and make the information the psychic gives you “fit”. Bad idea! Let the information fit of its own accord. If you’re getting genuine psychic information then it will. Just let it do what it wants to.

6. Remember Psychics Aren’t 100% Accurate This is probably the most important item on this list. It can be dangerous to assume everything the psychic tells you is going to be accurate. Information gets dropped in translation, the psychic understands it incorrectly and misinterprets it, or information about the previous client is still coming through and getting jumbled. That’s just par for the course we’re afraid. The biggest danger with assuming everything a psychics says is accurate is when something really major comes up, such as an illness or infidelity. Marriages have been ended because a psychic told one of the members the other was cheating. Now that might be the case. But what if it isn’t? If you end a marriage based on a psychic’s word (without any other proof) then you will have ended it (potentially) for nothing. The other thing to be aware of is that sometimes emotional damage can be inflicted with poor information. If a psychic tells you something that doesn’t seem right, it can bounce around in your skull like there’s no stopping it. Imagine being told by a psychic that your partner was cheating on you. Try getting that out of your head! Keep these bad practices in mind next time you go for totally free psychic readings and you will have a much better experience.

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