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How to Prepare for Totally Free Psychic Phone Readings

Free Psychic Phone Readings
If you're lucky enough to have someone offer you totally free psychic phone readings then there are a few things you would should do in order to get the most out of your reading. Even if you're paying for a psychic reading, this is still good advice which will allow you to have the best experience and get the answers you're looking for. 

Here's how you should prepare for totally free psychic phone readings:

1. Know What You Want To Ask
There's nothing more annoying for a psychic then to just have the question asked "what's in my future?" What about your future do you want to know about? Is it your health? Is it your love life? Is it your financial situation? If you know what you want to ask in advance, things will be much clearer for both you and your psychic. 

Jot a few things down on a notepad so that when the time comes you're able to ask those burning questions without hesitating. It's amazing how the mind goes blank in certain situations!

Sometimes people expect the Universe to give them advice "off the cuff" as it were. That's not how it works. While the Universe most definitely knows what's going on in your life, it's up to you to ask the question and get the help you want. It's both the best and worst feature of the design of our Universe. Ask and you will receive!

2. Take the Time To Calm Down
Remember that a psychic is reading your energy patterns, and the more freely your energy is flowing, the better the reading will be. If you meditate before your reading, the psychic will have an easier time accessing the answers to your questions. If on the other hand you're tense, thinking about the day and your to-do list, the psychic will not find things as easy. If you're one of those people who thinks a psychic can read your life freely think again. 

3. Don't Be Skeptical
Skepticism is great, without it we'd be a poorer species. However, when it comes to psychics, things get a bit weird. A lot of people are skeptical of psychics, and for good reason. A lot of them haven't exactly helped the reputation of the industry. In addition, skeptics from across the world have denounced psychics, and like it or not, this has an impact on what you believe. It's good to be skeptical, it stops you being gullible, but at the same time being too skeptical with a psychic will only cause tension between you and the reader. It may even make it harder for the psychic to give you accurate information.

As one reader put it, it's the equivalent of asking a psychic to read a book when someone has turned out all the lights. So don't try to stump the psychic, even if you're massively skeptical. Hiding objects for the psychic to find is also a waste of time and will probably cause the reader to groan a little on the inside. If you're getting totally free psychic phone readings then this is something you really want to avoid doing!

4. Be Prepared to Listen
There's nothing wrong with talking to your psychic. After all, you might need to offer clarification of a particular subject, offer confirmation or talk about a few details of your past. But if you think this is an even conversation then be prepared to guess again. Many a psychic has been surprised at how much a client talks. Remember that you're there to listen and get information. The more you interrupt, the more often the psychic will lose the train of thought and have to get back on track again. That being said, don't be a totally silent person either. The reader can't work off nothing. If they're on the right track then let them know. Just remember that listening should be your priority.

5. Remember Your Free Will
One of the most beautiful things about the design of our Universe is that we all have free well. You, your family, your friends and total strangers all have the ability to make their own decisions. That's what makes things so exciting for us but also presents psychics with real problems. Changing careers might be in your future, or it might not be. You can definitely ask a psychic whether or not it's a good option for you, but ultimately nothing is "pre-determined" and set in stone. You will make the decision to move careers or not. 

So you don't need to take everything a psychic says at face value. Always pay attention, try not to be skeptical (as above), but remember that anything said (especially about the future) is up for you to interpret. 

6. Don't Be Gullible
You may think this at odds with the listing about skepticism above. But it isn't. Just as it's bad to be too skeptical, being too gullible can also lead you down the wrong pathway. Perhaps the biggest pitfall that some people fall in is if a psychic is telling them they have to remove "a curse". If a psychic ever tells you this then put down the phone and run away! Chances are they are just after more money or something like that. There are no such thing as curses, and the only reason a psychic would tell you something like that is to serve their own purposes. 

Preparing for totally free psychic phone readings is reasonably simple. Make sure that you know what you want to ask before the reading begins. This will ensure that you get the most out of your reading. Try to be as calm and relaxed as possible before you begin the reading. Do some meditation if you know how. This will help the psychic to tune into your energy.

Don't be skeptical. Skepticism is great but it can help to block the flow of information that the psychic needs in order to give you a good reading. Likewise, don't be too gullible especially if the psychic is offering to remove a curse from you. Make sure that you listen. Psychics receive information in a flow like state and if you interrupt that too much you will be breaking their concentration. Finally, remember that you have free will and any information (especially about the future) is yours to interpret how you want to.

With all that preparation, you will have better totally free psychic phone readings then someone who hasn't bothered to do anything.
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