When consulting a psychic, there are a variety of questions that you could ask. However, most of the common questions tend to slot into several major categories. Most psychic answers are specific to your situation, although there are several that are so common you almost don’t need a psychic to tell you. That doesn’t mean don’t see a psychic! They can certainly tell you more about your life than a random article on the internet ever could. But if you’re keen to learn some common psychic answers (and their corresponding questions) read on.
This is perhaps the topic of choice for many people seeking psychic readings. Relationships are important to all of us. Typical questions will change depending on the stage of a relationship. If the client doesn’t seem to have any luck with meeting a soulmate, the psychic can let them know why. A common psychic answer to this predicament is a lack of self love and worthiness. Sometimes people desperate for love are projecting a vibration of lack into the Universe. By switching to a positive vibration the client will automatically make better things happen.
Other questions will revolve around any partner that the client already has. If the client has just met, a psychic could provide clarity about the situation and future you might have together. If you’ve been with someone for a while and there are problems, a psychic could let you know how to work through those issues. Most of the psychic answers that you get here will be highly specific to your situation.
Less common are relationship questions asked about friends, family members, business associates, colleagues and so on. Questions that are typically asked here tend to be about their situation, their life journey, the way they interact with the client and any relationship issues that might be present. While these sorts of questions might not be as common as romantic love ones, they can still be very valuable insight for people who want to receive that.
Career and Job Advice
Questions around these issues are usually pretty well considered. Most people tend to think a lot about their careers and can have complex relationships with them. One of the most popular questions that people ask is to do with the amount of happiness their current job currently provides them. Often there’s a lurking sense of dissatisfaction with a career and the client is seeking an opinion.
Sometimes the psychic will confirm much of what the client has already been thinking. If they aren’t as keen on their job as they once were, a psychic could let them know what their heart is really keen on doing. Most of the answers here will be reassurance and clarity about what the next steps are. Sometimes the psychic will encourage the client to “stick it out” for a bit because there’s an opportunity on the horizon, although if you ask this question you’re more likely to get an answer that’s empowering and something YOU can do.
Psychics are able to look at future opportunities and tell you how to maneuver yourself into a great position to take advantage of them.
While this is quite closely related to the issue above, often it’s more about the feeling of abundance and the way a client’s efforts bring them financial reward. Money is an energy and a psychic can be a great way to learn about where the flow and where the blocks are.
Sometimes the questions will be about business, personal endeavors, real-estate, investments and that sort of thing. Several psychics have provided very accurate information about particular stocks to buy, and have ended up making their clients a lot of money! But that’s not going to come up in discussion unless it’s important for your future growth and development.
Our physical bodies take an awful lot of looking after, don’t they? We seem to be endless displeased with them, but for the most part they function pretty well. The times when they don’t however can be quite upsetting and damaging to a person’s sense of wellbeing. While we’re sure you’ve gotten all the help you can get from the medical world, sometimes it can pay to get a higher overview.
A lot of the diseases that we experience are actually related to our growth as souls and our spiritual journey. Therefore a stubborn issue with our health that refuses to budge with medical treatment can often melt away when we look at the emotional and mental issues that surround them.
While a psychic is no replacement for a doctor (and many would be cautious about providing medical advice), they could be a great way of learning more about your health and if there’s anything you can do about it (there will be).
Sometimes questions about health are less about present issues and more about the potential for future ones. If you ask that, you will get answers, although just remember that these are simply predictions and might not end up happening. Still useful to know though.
Personal Growth
Sometimes people visit a psychic without anything specifically wrong with them. They have a relationship, are comfortable with their job and are healthy most of the time. And yet, there’s that sense of unease that’s been driving them inwards, towards their soul and (perhaps) closer to God and the Universe. A psychic here can provide some very “high-level” answers to these types of questions.
Answers about the client’s journey, what their life’s intention was, what happened in past lives and how they can grow closer to God are all answers that psychics can provide to these questions.
Personal growth can often be one of the most fulfilling things that a person asks about. While concerns about relationships, money, jobs and health are often quite “here and now,” personal growth takes someone beyond and views things through the perspective of the Universe. That’s much grander and more epic than anything we can imagine.
Therefore the psychic answers in to personal growth questions tend to be very specific to the person asking them. Often the answers will help a person in all areas of their life as engaging in spiritual growth can be a very fulfilling thing to ask about.