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Free Online Psychic Reading Chat Advice

psychic reading chat

You’re able to connect with a psychic in ways that weren’t possible just a few years ago. Free online psychic reading chat rooms are now a thing, and if you’re after a specific piece of advice then they can be a superb way of getting clear answers quickly. No need to hand over a lot of money, and most of them are available 24/7. Here are some tips to ensure you get the most out of your free online psychic reading chat.

Because psychic chats are so similar to the chat functionality of other social networking sites it can be tempting to fall into the trap of thinking you don’t need to do anything with your energy. Not the case! A psychic still needs to access your energy in order to read it. This is no different to having a face to face or phone reading. Because it’s done via chat room it’s easy to think you aren’t actually being “read”. But you are.

Take the time to relax before you join a psychic chat room. This will mean that your energy is clearer and is easier for the psychic to read. It will also ensure that the predictions the psychic makes are more accurate as you won’t be blocking the flow.

Be Professional
Chat rooms encourage a lot of bad behavior. While you might get away with poor English or other grammatical issues with your friends, making more of an effort in a chat room will help to keep things civil and most importantly clear. If the psychic has to work to decipher your messages, they will be getting pulled out of their “seeing” state, reducing their effectiveness and probably even making them a little frustrated.

You don’t have to spell everything perfectly or write your chats like an English essay, but just remember that not everyone will understand what you write. You might even be paired up with a psychic who uses English as a second language. You just don’t know.

Ask Succinct Questions
Sometime’s it’s important to go into a lot of detail before asking a question. Nothing wrong with that, and it can help the psychic to get in touch with your energy. But if you do too much waffling on it can get a bit confusing for the both of you. In general the more specific the question, the more specific the answer. If you provide a lot of scope for where the answer could go, trust us when we say it will go there!

It can often be quite a good idea to make a list of some of the questions you’d like to ask before you join in the psychic chat. Even taking just a minute or two to think about some of the stuff you’d like to ask about can be a hugely effective way of stopping the “panic” that can sometimes sets in when you’re in the middle of a conversation.

How Reputable Is The Chat Room?
Many of the free online psychic reading chat rooms that you’ll encounter are networks of psychics. You might not have access to specific psychics and you might not be able to find that much about them. Therefore it does pay to be a little bit cautious about the quality of the psychic information you’re getting. While most of the time people are genuine, you might find out that you’re only being targeted for money.

You might not be able to know in advance if the psychic chat room is a good one or not, but you should be able to tell with a few simple guidelines. Firstly, there are almost no instances where you are cursed, or have dark energies hanging around you. If a psychic ever tells you this and doesn’t offer to remove it for free you should run as far away as possible. Well, probably just close the chat window.

Ethical psychics will never bring something like this up, and if that happens chances are good the person you’re speaking to is just after your money.

The other thing you might want to be aware of is something known as “cold reading”. This is a technique commonly used by magicians and illusionists to tell people stuff about their lives that “sounds” real but actually isn’t. Most of the information is usually quite random, although with the right technique the client can be used to confirm anything.

Remember that cold reading is NOT genuine psychic ability. While it can be hard to distinguish from the real thing, there are little things that will tip you off. Just being aware that cold reading exists will help immensely.

Follow Things Up
Many times a psychic will bring things up within a free online psychic reading chat that you will want to follow up with. If you’re able to within the free chat environment, go for it! That’s definitely one of the beauties of the chat room set up. You’re able to ask questions in a way that an email reading can’t.

By all means, seek clarity on aspects of what the psychic is telling you. There’s nothing worse than being “left hanging” at the end of a discussion.

Sometimes the psychic will ask for payment to continue. That’s not necessarily the mark of a bad network, as these people are often professionals needing to earn a living. That’s why we made the point above about keeping your questions to the point—you’re more likely to avoid running out of the free time you have with a psychic.

Free online psychic reading chat rooms are a superb way of getting information without even leaving your couch (or wherever it is you’re sitting). Just remember to relax while you’re chatting away, type things as professionally and as clearly as you can, ensure that you ask the most on topic questions you can think about, make sure you’re aware of any potential scams you might come across and follow up with your questions! Following some of these guidelines these will give you a good result. Following all of them will give you a chat experience you will remember.

Oh, and one more thing. You might want to save your chat out as a text file, or maybe take a screenshot. You’ll definitely want to refer back to the discussion in the future, especially if predictions were made.

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