Craigslist has changed the way that we do business with each other. There’s no longer any need to advertise in the local newspaper, these days if you want to offer a service or get rid of an unwanted piece of furniture, you need only to make a posting and click the submit button. It enables people to do business with each other on an individual level, making it perfect for connecting people others who just do something for a hobby, or are starting out with their own business. Such as a psychic. You might be after completely free psychic readings. Craigslist would be a place where you actually might be able to find something like that. Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure that you get a good psychic reading from Craigslist.
1. Research
The advantage of Craigslist is that people can offer up a service without any experience or reputation whatsoever. This is no different for psychics. A good psychic works off their reputation. The more they practice doing readings, the better they get and the further the word spreads.
The disadvantage of Craigslist is that it allows anyone to form an account and submit a posting. This opens all sorts of possibilities for the “psychic” that’s behind the computer screen. Now, chances are that the person on the other end is genuinely offering up their services for you to take advantage of. If they are genuine, chances are good that they will have some other form of website, perhaps some testimonials that you can read before asking for a reading from them.
It pays to always research the psychic before you get a reading from them. This goes for any psychic that you find outside of Craigslist as well. This will ensure that you have a positive experience, and that you are genuinely getting answers from the psychic world.
If you do find a psychic on Craigslist that doesn’t have a lot of information to their name, you can still go and take the reading, but just be a little more cautious about the information you get given.
Of course all the common sense rules apply when getting completely free psychic readings on Craigslist. If someone asks you to meet up in a darkened alley then you shouldn’t need a psychic to tell you that’s probably not the best idea!
2. Look Further Afield
Craigslist categorizes according to location. If a psychic is able to offer their services over the internet however, location isn’t actually much of a factor. Therefore, consider searching in locations that are further afield than your local list. You might find better results and more options.
3. Know the Limits of the Pyschic
The readings you get from Craigslist are unlikely to be of the highest quality. This is simply due to the fact that any successful psychic will usually have set up their own business with their own website and so forth. Or they will have joined an agency that promotes their services. Of course, you will still find those that advertise on Craigslist and have their own setup also. But for the most part, if you can’t find anything else, or Craigslist appears to be their only connection to the world, you should be aware that their skills perhaps aren’t as highly developed as some of the others are.
Therefore it’s important that you go in to the reading with a healthy dose of skepticism, and be prepared to question what they tell you. Remember that people on Craigslist could be just making stuff up. You certainly don’t want to make any major life changes if the information you’re getting is coming from someone playing a prank!
4. Go For Those Explicitly Giving Free Readings
One of the other major advantages to getting psychic readings on Craigslist is that people are practically begging to let you give them a reading. If you can live with the lack of reputation and possible shadiness of information, you can still get a free reading from some of these beginner psychics. Plenty of listings on Craigslist explicitly let you know that they are offering you a free reading. Which is great! Take them up on that offer. See what they’re willing to answer for you.
5. Ask Great Questions
Don’t squander your free psychic reading. Remember that if you like what they tell you, chances are they’ll be sending you an invoice for any additional questions you want answered. Ask something succinct, to the point, and something that’s opened ended. If you want to test if your question is open ended or not, just try and answer it with a yes or a no. If it’s possible for you to do that, then your question isn’t an open ended one.
Sometimes people like to go into a lot of detail with their questions, and that can sometimes be useful to help paint a picture for a psychic. But just remember that the clearer the question, the clearer the answer (usually). Also you should be cautious of giving away too much private information over something like Craigslist.
6. Listen to your Intuition
Your intuition is your barometer for right and wrong in this world. It will nudge you and inform you whenever a piece of information is true (or not). You can listen to it. The more you practice this, the better you will be at picking psychics, as well as deciding if you should be following their information or not. This is a crucial step that almost everyone misses. Remember that you should never give your power away, especially to a psychic. That can seem like an odd thing to say, but remember that a psychic is only giving you information and advice. If you let the psychic make your decisions for you, be assured that the Universe is doing a face palm. Take ownership of the advice you get, and you’ll find the Universe will support your decision.
The internet offers a great way to get completely free psychic readings. Craigslist should be a first port of call for anyone seeking a reading as it generally has an abundance of people wanting to provide their services for free. Just remember your common sense, treat the psychic with respect, and you will end up with a reading that will support your journey.